Overmatige Gebruiker
Overmatige Gebruiker
Berichten: 2328
Lid geworden op: do 25 feb 2010, 23:46

Blauwsokkers aller landen, verenigt U!

The more you know... en laat ik nu toevallig blauwe sokken aan hebben vandaag.
bluestocking \BLOO-stok-ing\ , noun
1. a woman with considerable scholarly, literary, or intellectual ability or interest.
2. a member of a mid-18th-century London literary circle
Bluestocking originally referred to cheap blue socks worn by men, in contrast to fine white silk stockings. In the mid-1700s, these blue socks became associated with intellectuals who attended salons where female intellectuals were highly valued. Eventually bluestockings came to be a pejorative term for intellectual women, though it started out as a positive or neutral term.
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Verslaafde Gebruiker
Verslaafde Gebruiker
Berichten: 3315
Lid geworden op: do 25 feb 2010, 23:22

Re: Blauwsokkers aller landen, verenigt U!

Laat ik nou laatst in de uitverkoop van die dikke blauwe panty's gekocht hebben :wink:
altijd al een hang gehad naar die Victorians
"To be very honest Baldrick, your brain is like the four-headed, man-eating haddock fish beast of Aberdeen."
"In what way, my lord?"
"It doesn't exist."

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