Loving Nature without loving God is a neat trick
But as I love Nature, how could I complain?
Are you a humanist? Spinoza a guy with a large brain
Defined God as Nature; if one is not the other, then please do take your pick
When you are very civilized the wild jungle or temptation:
-Less your cup of tea-
Then God surely is not Love, how bitter can you be?
Without moral compass: (We are so rude) Without chlorophyll: damnation
Without morals indeed I may be lost. Without life much worse:
God without Nature: it’s just no good, or to me, a curse.
Nature excluding God’s creation, I add, gave birth to the capitalist its saw
He logged the wood, set fire to the Amazon and this he named the law
Since the two, towards each other being amorous:
Nature and its God, as Spinoza be my guide: synonymous