Over boerenverstand gesproken:
Ecotherapie, soms ook wel ecopsychologie genoemd.
http://www.mind.org.uk/about-us/policie ... cotherapy/
Ik had hier nog nooit van gehoord, zelfs niet hier op dit forum, maar vind het concept zo prachtig, simpel en voor de hand liggend dat ik me erover verbaas hier nog niet eerder over gehoord te hebben.
Hier een beknopte uitleg:
'"Ecotherapy is the name given to a wide range of programmes that aim to promote good mental and physical wellbeing through outdoor activity in a green environment.
Being able to connect with nature has positive mental health benefits. And it has been shown that being more active in green environments can boost your mood and self-esteem far more than simply exercising alone. Ecotherapy sessions may include varying amounts of physical activity, depending on the type of programme. They are usually a group activity and are run by trained professionals.
Programmes may take place in both rural and urban settings, such as parks, farms and woodlands. They can include activities:
- Where getting involved with nature is the main focus, e.g. a conservation project or farming.
- That are about experiencing nature, e.g. enjoying the views on a walk or cycling through some woodland.
For many people, ecotherapy can be used to help an existing mental health problem. For some, it has been beneficial in preventing the onset of mental ill-health, e.g. an episode of depression. It can be used alongside other treatments, such as talking therapies or medication, or on its own. Note: it is not advisable to suddenly stop a programme of therapy or come off psychiatric medication you have been taking. Always talk with your GP or psychiatrist about any changes in treatment you are considering, so that you can discuss the best options for you."
Naar mijn mening zou iedereen hier wel baat bij kunnen hebben, ongeacht of je nu last hebt van een mentale aandoening of niet.